Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
8/8/2019 - 6:30 PM  
For Information: Western Albemarle High School Parking Lot Expansion  
ACPS Division Objective :
EC - Buildings and Grounds Management and Maintenance  
Parking Analysis  
File Attachment:
Parking Analysis.docx
Due to rising student populations, Western Albemarle High School is in need of additional parking to accommodate both current and future demand for staff, students, and visitors. Western Albemarle High School has about 30% less parking than both Albemarle High School and Monticello High School. To make the situation worse, the school lost 32 parking spaces as a direct result of the recent Science Lab Addition project. According to the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), Facility Guidelines schools should provide “Adequate parking for the staff and an additional 10 percent to 20 percent parking space for visitors.” Additionally, the VDOE Facility guidelines recommend that student parking should accommodate one-third of the student enrollment. Using these standards, Western Albemarle High School falls short by 116 parking spaces based on current enrollment figures. The Building Services department has completed a study to evaluate and identify potential areas for parking lot expansion. This study showed that the cost to add an additional 55 spaces at Western Albemarle High School would be approximately $400,000 for both design and construction.
It is anticipated that the Western Albemarle High School Science Addition & Modernization project from the 2016 Referendum will be completed under budget. Staff recommends utilizing this funding to complete this additional parking. This is a good immediate solution, but in the long-term additional parking need to be considered at both Western Albemarle and Albemarle High School.
Appropriate funds from the Western Albemarle High School Science Addition project.  
Request the Board of Supervisors to appropriate funding from the Western Albemarle High School Addition & Learning Space Modernization to fund the design and construction of an additional fifty-five (55) parking spaces at Western Albemarle High School.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Joe Letteri - Director, Building Services
Signed By:  
Rosalyn Schmitt - Chief Operating Officer
Signed By:  
Dr. Matthew Haas - Superintendent