Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
6/8/2023 - 5:00 PM  
3rd Quarter FY 2022-23 Financial Report (7:32-7:37)  
ACPS Division Objective :
Goal 3
Equitable, Transformative Resources
DI - Financial Accounting and Reporting  
3rd Quarter Financial Report  
File Attachment:
The third quarter financial reports representing January, February, and March 2023 are presented for the Board's consideration.

This report provides information on the budgeting and expenditure of funds by state category, and the changes that both the Board and staff have made during the year that affect these categories. All lines are numbered to assist in clearly guiding readers of the report when specific information is discussed.

Revenues: March 31 Average Daily Membership (ADM), upon which state revenues are based, total 13,563.22. This is an overall increase of just over 74 additional students on average. Overall state revenues are a bit stronger than budgeted based upon the final budget numbers published at the state level. Local school revenues are anticipated to be slightly less than budgeted due to the continued effects of the pandemic. Federal revenues are estimated to meet budget. Local transfer will meet budgeted amounts. A more detailed presentation of revenues received to date is presented on page 2 of the report.

Expenses: Compensation and benefits expenses are estimated for this report based upon payroll data paid through April. Overall compensation and benefit costs are estimated to be less than budgeted by just over $4.5M. Monthly compensation and operational expenses by state category is presented on page 3. Detailed operational expenses by department and school are shown on pages 4-6 of the attached report. Page 7 of the report shows the impact of any additional appropriations or budget adjustments made during the year.

Balance of Revenues over Expenses: Reported March 31 revenues exceed expenses by slightly more than $17M. Reported state revenues collected totaled nearly $44M.

Special Revenue Funds: Special revenue funds are presented on pages 8-10.

School Fund Balance: Fund balance use in FY22-23 is budgeted to be ~$11.1M. Anticipated ending balance information for the current fiscal year is presented on page 11. This information is subject to change as current year operations and next fiscal year budget planning continues.
As presented.  
Receive the third quarter FY 2022-23 financial report.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jackson Zimmermann - School Finance Officer
Signed By:  
Rosalyn Schmitt - Chief Operating Officer
Signed By:  
Dr. Matthew Haas - Superintendent