Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
4/13/2023 - 5:00 PM  
2023 Community Lab School Charter Renewal  
ACPS Division Objective :
Goal 1
Thriving Students
Goal 2
Affirming and Empowering Communities
Goal 3
Equitable, Transformative Resources
LC - Charter Schools  
2023 Charter Renewal; 2018 Charter Renewal with 2020 Merger Amendment; 2022 Annual Report  
File Attachment:
2023 CLS Charter Renewal.pdf
2018 Renewal with 2020 Merger Amendment.pdf
Per Policy LC, the primary objective of charter schools within Albemarle County Public Schools is to serve as “labs” to improve educational opportunities and enhance student achievement for all
schools. Toward these goals, the Albemarle County School Board will receive and consider requests for charter schools if such charters are focused on educational excellence and student achievement, can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of educational services, and can enhance and inform the division through the research, development, and implementation of programs that align with Division mission, vision, and goals.

Purpose of charter schools in the Code of Virginia (§ 22.1-212.5):
(i) encourage the development of innovative programs;
(ii) provide opportunities for innovative instruction and student assessment;
(iii) provide parents and students more choices;
(iv) provide innovative scheduling, structure, and management;
(v) encourage performance-based educational programs;
(vi) establish high standards for teachers and administrators; and
(vii) develop models for replication in other public schools

Community Lab School is a school-of-choice offering a nontraditional educational model through student-centered, experiential, project-based, and mastery learning with emphasis on choice, community, and creativity. Then-named Murray High School was established in 1988 and converted to a charter school in 2001 by ACPS. The most recent charter was renewed in 2018 and amended in 2020 to incorporate Community Public Charter School, adding grades 6-8, shortly thereafter renamed Community Lab School.

The attached charter renewal meets the criteria put forth in Policy LC and the Code of Virginia.
No additional funding requested  
Recommend the Albemarle County School Board approve this renewal of the Community Lab School Charter.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Chad Ratliff - Principal
Signed By:  
Dr. Matthew Haas - Superintendent