Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 4/27/2023 - 5:30 PM
Type: Action
Subject: FY 23 Appropriation for Additional Maintenance/Replacement Program Funds
ACPS Division Objective :
Goal 3
Equitable, Transformative Resources
Policy: DA - Management of Funds
File Attachment:
FY 23 Budget Amendments - CIP Maintenance_Turf_Ivycreek.pdf
Summary: This appropriation transfers $504,553.63 to the ACPS Maintenance/Replacement program in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The source of funding is rent payments from the Piedmont Regional Education Program (PREP) for their use of the Ivy Creek facility from FY 20 to FY 23. The CIP funds will be used for maintenance and upgrades at the Ivy Creek facility.

In addition, $157,972.17 is requested to be transferred from the current balances in the turf field replacement funds to replace the synthetic turf fields at Albemarle High School and Western Albemarle High School. Monticello High School turf field replacement funds are planned to be included as part of the FY 24 capital budget.
Funding: As presented.
Recommendation: Request the Board of Supervisors appropriate the funding as presented and amend the appropriations ordinance accordingly.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Maya Kumazawa - Director of Planning and Budget
Signed By:
Rosalyn Schmitt - Chief Operating Officer
Signed By:
Dr. Matthew Haas - Superintendent