Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 12/9/2021 - 6:30 PM
Type: Action
Subject: Mountain View Master Planning Study
ACPS Division Objective :
Objective 5
We will optimize resources.
Policy: FEA - Facility Design
File Attachment:
UPDATED 2021-12-02_MVES_Capacity_Update_for_School_Board_version_2.pdf
Summary: Mountain View Elementary resides in a growth area of Albemarle County Public Schools. Since the county faces overpopulation issues at Mountain View Elementary, a Facility Master Plan was completed, outlining solutions to meet long-term needs. The study's outcome is a recommendation for a new 400-450 student school within the Mountain View boundary. Re-districting within the Mountain View boundary will be needed.

At several points through the process, the staff and community provided input in Zoom meetings and surveys. Overwhelmingly, the responses from staff and the community were in favor of another school in the Mountain View boundary.

At this time, staff is requesting that the board include this project in the CIP and approval to begin the process of designing and building a new school.
Recommendation: Approval to proceed with including a new school in the next CIP request is recommended.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Sheila Hoopmann - Capital Project Manager
Signed By:
Joe Letteri - Director, Building Services
Signed By:
Rosalyn Schmitt - Chief Operating Officer
Signed By:
Dr. Matthew Haas - Superintendent