Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 4/1/2021 - 6:30 PM
Type: Action
Subject: For Information: Carl D. Perkins local plan for Career & Technical Education
ACPS Division Objective :
Objective 1
We will engage every student.
Objective 3
We will improve opportunity and achievement.
Objective 5
We will optimize resources.
Policy: IGAD - Career and Technical Education
File Attachment:
2021-2022_Perkins-Local-Plan-and-Budget ACPS Schedule 17.pdf
Summary: The Carl D. Perkins local plan Schedule 17 outlines FY 21-22 projected budget for federal CTE funds.
Funding: The disbursement of federal funds appropriated for CTE programs is contingent upon approval of this plan.
Recommendation: Receive for information. Place on next consent agenda to approve the FY 21-22 Carl D. Perkins local plan Schedule 17.
Recommended By:
Meagan Maynard - LEAD Coach for CTE
Signed By:
Debora Collins - Deputy Superintendent
Signed By:
Dr. Matthew Haas - Superintendent