Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 8/8/2019 - 6:30 PM
Type: Action
Subject: For Information: Architect Selection for Master Plan Development for Renovations to AHS and WAHS
ACPS Division Objective :
Objective 5
We will optimize resources.
Policy: FEA - Facility Design
File Attachment:
Summary: In December of 2017 Albemarle County Public Schools, with the assistance of HBA and FNI Architects, completed a long-term facility planning study for all of its high schools. The School Board endorsed the recommendation of the study, including the construction of a High School Center model and the modernization of existing facilities. Currently, the School Division needs further research and planning to properly and effectively execute the modernization and renovation work at Albemarle High School and Western Albemarle High School.

The Master Plan requested should include documenting the existing condition of our schools, and to create a plan of renovations that address instructional needs, safety, technology infrastructure, site traffic and parking, maintenance, and other considerations. The process will include stakeholder input including students, parents, teachers, and others. If implemented, the plan should provide ten to fifteen years of useful life to all spaces without additional major work. The Master Plan should estimate the cost and length of each renovation or addition recommended, so Albemarle County Public Schools can make informed choices about future work.

Developing a Master Plan is expected to cost about $190,000. A preliminary report should be ready by November 2019, with a final report in February of 2020.
Based on School Board Policy FEA – Facility Design, an Architectural/Engineering Section Committee must be appointed jointly by the School Board and the Superintendent when the fee for such services will exceed $100,000. The policy also requires that a Request for Proposals (RFP) be issued to solicit the work.

A selection committee was appointed by the School Board and an RFP was issued for High School Center II, and Quinn Evans Architects was selected. It is staff’s recommendation that the same firm complete this work. Quinn Evans is also on a term contract to do design work for Albemarle County and can be hired on that contract. As the High School Center II programming is underway, this master planning work can be done most effectively and efficiently as the two projects have overlap in stakeholder groups, project themes, and focus.
Funding: Funding is already appropriated in the Capital Improvements Program.
Recommendation: This is for information only. At the next meeting, it will be recommended that Quinn Evans is approved to develop a master plan for future high school renovations.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Joe Letteri - Director, Building Services
Signed By:
Lindsay Snoddy - Director of Building Services
Signed By:
Rosalyn Schmitt - Chief Operating Officer
Signed By:
Dr. Matthew Haas - Superintendent