Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 8/10/2023 - 5:15 PM
Type: Action
Subject: High School Center II - Application for Zoning Map Amendment
ACPS Division Objective :
Goal 1
Thriving Students
Goal 2
Affirming and Empowering Communities
Goal 3
Equitable, Transformative Resources
Policy: FEA - Facility Design
Enclosure Enclosure 1: Application for Zoning Map Amendment
File Attachment:
FINAL_23-08.07_HSC II_Zoning Map Amendment Application.pdf
Summary: At the June 8, 2023 School Board meeting, the Board directed staff to proceed with design for High School Center II on the Lambs Lane Campus. After a pre-application meeting with Albemarle County's Community Development Department, it was determined that rezoning for a portion of the site will be beneficial for the intended design of the facility. The Application for Zoning Map Amendment aims to change the portion of the site planned for the HS Center II location from Rural Area (RA) to Residential - R10. The benefits include an increase in building height and setback allowances. The rezoning application seeks to only maintain all by-right uses and include the height and setback allowances for the R10 zoning designation and proffers out all other differences between the two districts.

There will be a presentation by staff at the Places29-Hydraulic Community Advisory Committee meeting on September 11, 2023.

Following the CAC meeting, the application will be considered by the Planning Commission later this fall and then the Board of Supervisors at one of its meetings in early 2024.
Funding: Funding for HS Center II design and construction is included in the FY23/24 CIP budget.
Recommendation: Approve the Application For Zoning Map Amendment and direct staff to submit the application on the School Board’s behalf and to represent the School Board throughout the rezoning review process.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Lindsay Snoddy - Director of Building Services
Signed By:
Rosalyn Schmitt - Chief Operating Officer
Signed By:
Dr. Matthew Haas - Superintendent