Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 1/25/2024 - 5:30 PM
Type: Info
Subject: Budget - Educational/Informational Session (Part 1) Maya Kumazawa
and Jim Regimbal, Principal at Fiscal Analytics, Ltd. (7:45-8:15)
ACPS Division Objective :
Goal 3
Equitable, Transformative Resources
Policy: DB - Annual Budget
File Attachment:
School Board Work Session 1_25_24 9.4 9.6.pdf
Albemarle 1.25.24 presentation.pdf
Summary: The first part of the Work Session will be presentation of projected FY 25 state revenues and the implications of the 2024-2026 Governor's Introduced Budget. The guest presenter is Jim Regimbal, Principal at Fiscal Analytics, Ltd.

In the second part of the Work Session, staff will provide detailed information about the FY 25 Baseline Expenditure Budget for the School Board to understand the major components of the ACPS budget. The materials will also serve as a starting point for the FY 25 Budget Development process and the presentation of the Draft Funding Request.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Christine Thompson - Clerk of the Board
Signed By:
Maya Kumazawa - Director of Planning and Budget
Signed By:
Rosalyn Schmitt - Chief Operating Officer
Signed By:
Dr. Matthew Haas - Superintendent