Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 12/2/2021 - 6:30 PM
Type: Info
Subject: Mountain View Capacity Update (7:40 to 8:10)
ACPS Division Objective :
Objective 5
We will optimize resources.
Policy: FEA - Facility Design
File Attachment:
UPDATED 2021-12-02_MVES_Capacity_Update_for_School_Board.pdf
Summary: Mountain View Elementary resides in a growth area of Albemarle County Public Schools. Facing overpopulation issues, a study was completed to obtain a facility master plan outlining solutions to meet long-term needs. The study touches on the following: facility condition, educational quality, the capacity of surrounding schools, demographic projections within Mountain View, and a housing and student yield analysis. Multiple solutions were considered, such as redistricting elementary schools in the area, building a new elementary school in the area, and more. At several points throughout the process, the community was invited to provide input. Enclosed is the final report for review.

Currently, planning is underway for an addition at Mountain View Elementary, to meet current needs. Although the project does not address the long-term capacity needs for the school, the addition will expand the cafeteria, add six classrooms, including an art room and music room, and additional parking. Renovations will also occur to the outdoor learning spaces and playgrounds. Designs will be completed this winter, and the project will be bid in late spring. Construction is expected to begin in late summer with an expected completion for the 23/24 school year. Schematic Designs have been completed, and are included in the attached PowerPoint for review.
Funding: Mountain View Elementary Addition project design is funded in the Capital Improvements Program, in the 2021-22 school year budget.
Recommendation: This item is for information only. Next week, there will be a request for approval of the schematic design.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Sheila Hoopmann - Capital Project Manager
Signed By:
Joe Letteri - Director, Building Services
Signed By:
Rosalyn Schmitt - Chief Operating Officer
Signed By:
Dr. Matthew Haas - Superintendent