Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 5/11/2023 - 4:45 PM
Type: Info
Subject: Employee Engagement (7:00-7:30)
ACPS Division Objective :
Goal 3
Equitable, Transformative Resources
Enclosure 2023 Employee Engagement. Results and Findings for Albemarle County Public Schools.
File Attachment:
Gallup Pres Intro.pptx
AlbemarleExecBrfng_2023-School Board_v3 ss.pptx
Summary: Employee engagement is critical to the success of an organization. Last year, we embarked on a partnership with Gallup to help us use national benchmarking to identify strengths and areas of opportunity in this area. As such, employee engagement as been an area of focus across our schools and departments during this school year. In March, all employees were asked to complete the Gallup Q12 survey. Our results will be presented by a representative from Gallup.
Funding: None
Recommendation: Present for information
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Clare Keiser - Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:
Dr. Matthew Haas - Superintendent